1st perf. First year of performing as a soloist at Vauxhall
Burney Memoirs Slava Klima, Garry Bowers, and Kerry S. Grant, Memoirs of Dr. Charles Burney 1726–1769 (Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 1988 )
CG Covent Garden
DL. Drury Lane
KT King's Theatre
Last Night The night Vauxhall closed for ever on.Monday 25 July, 1859
Manning & Bray Manning, Revd. Owen, and Bray, William, The History and Antiquities of the.County of Surrey, Vol. III of 3 (London: White, Cochrane & Co.,180414), p.489f.
MG Marylebone Gardens
Minet The Vauxhall Gardens archive at the Minet Library in Lambeth
Parke William Thomas Parke, Musical Memoirs, 2 vols. London 1830
PS Philharmonic Society
RG Ranelagh Gardens
Vauxhall Papers Bunn, Alfred [ed], The Vauxhall Papers, 17 Parts (London: John Andrews & John Mitchell, JulyAugust 1841) Illustrated by Alfred Forrester (pseud. Crowquill)
VG Vauxhall Gardens
Walford Walford, Edward, Old and New London: A Narrative of its History, its People and its Places , Vol. IV (London: Cassell Petter & Galpin, n.d. 18738), pp.447-467
Much additional information from:
S. Sadie [ed], The New Grove Dictionary of Opera, 4 Vols. (London,Macmillan, 1992)

Madame Saqui

Performances of circus acts did not start at Vauxhall until well into the 19th century, so almost all the names included in this list post-date 1800. Many of the performers and curiosities came from a circus background, and were well known outside Vauxhall. A number of them adopted stage names to appear more exotic.
In 1830, the performers (of all sorts) appear to have been paid a minimum of £5 per week
Abdul Maza ?Magician. 1832, 1835
Adams Capt. W.H.jr. Balloonist. 1856, 1858
African Twins Siamese twins, conjoined at the spine, exhibited as a curiosity in the Coffee Room. 1854
Alexandre, Mons. Ventriloquist. 1812
Algerine Family In the Grand Divan (Picture Room).Yousoff Ben Ibrahim with his wife and sisters, also his 5 year old son. 'It is believed this is the First Appearance of Mahommedan Females in England' [Illus, ILN, July 12, 'from a Daguerrotype'. Minet VI, f.108] 1851
Ameson or Amesou, Santa 'The Mexican Wonder', and his infant son. Calisthenic and gymnastic exercises. Little Ameson twists in and out of a ladder 'like an eel', while it is balanced on his father's chin. 1847, 1848, 1850
Annato, Mlle. Palmyra Ecuyere. 1851
Angele, Mlle. Equestrian. 1854
Antonio, Mme. The eminent rope ascensionist. 1851
Auriel, Mons. With his French Company, Horsemanship in the Rotunda. 1849
Auriol, Mons. Bottle equilibrist [Illus, Minet VI, f.97]. 1849
Auriel jr. Clown. 1849
Avrillon, M. Colombier Juvenile corps of Equestrians. 1847
Barraud, Miss Equitation. 1850
Barry, Mr. Tom Clown (from Astley's)1846,1848, 1854
Batty, Mr. Proprietor of Astley's Royal Amphitheatre, introduces his Equestrian show based on the novel Windsor Castle by William Harrison Ainsworth. 1850
Bedouin Arabs 'The Wonder of the World'.Acrobats. 1847, 1851
Bellinck, Juan Tightrope and Slack rope. 'The wonderful Flying or Slack-rope Prodigy, from Indian America, with his sable family. He will fly through a Balloon on fire, surrounded by Fire-works'. 1822. And Young Bellinck, The Infant Devil. Bellinck's 'sable and Surprising Children'. 1822, the families of Longuemare and Bellinck dancing on stilts.
Bennett, Mrs. Fireworks. 1859
Berg/Burgh, Mlle. Equestrian. 1854
Blackmore, Mr. 'The surprising young American' tightrope, slack rope, rope dancing with fire; Fly of the Jack, and the Roasting Pig were two of his acts, 1823. In 1823, on his ascents, he wore a cap from which fireworks were launched. At an elevation of more than 80 feet he stands on his head. 1824 (paid £7 per week), 1825, 1826, 1827 (£7 per wk), 1828, 1832. Not there in 1834
Blanchard, Mr. Comedian (with Mr. Gibbon). 1827
Boai, Michael 'Chin melodist' (from the Egyptian Hall). 1830, 1831A Grand March, with Variations, his own composition; the Overture to Lodoiska, 1833, 1838 [Boai's performance described by W. Parke, 1830, II, p.300-301 —'Chin-chopping']
Bolla The Italian clown. 1854
Boltari, Sig. Antonio The Italian Devil Rider'. 1842—His 7th appearance in England as the Voltigeur of Milan, or The Wild Horseman. Riding with Ducrow's men
Bradbury, Mr. Performer on the Corde Volante. 1848, 1850; Mr Brabury 1851; —'Signor Braburi' in 1852
Bridge, Mr. Anthony The Indian Ball Tosser. 1850
Bridges, Miss Tight Rope, on the Ballet Stage. 1856
Bridges, Master Tightrope. 1827
Brock, Mons. Fireworks [Minet V, f.101]. 1815
Brown, Mr. J.H. From York and Newcastle theatres. Impressionist 1823, (not very good); 'A Novel Entertainment diversified with Dialogue, Songs, and Imitations' [Poster, Minet]
Buckingham, Mr. Impressionist, 1831, 1835: London Stars- imitations of several well-known London performers; 1837. Also included on list of singers
Cabanel/Cabonel, Mons. Fireworks. 1804
Canfield, Mr. F.A. 'The Strongest Man in the World', 'The American Samson'. 1845, 1846
Carini, Sig. On the Corde Volante, depicting Fame, Mercury, A Dutch Hand- basket (!), Hanging by the Toes, Lying on his Back etc. 1849
Caroline, Mlle. [Portrait, with horse, Minet VI, f.29]. The Greatest Female Equestrian in Europe, assisted by Les Frères à Loisset. She trained horses to be obedient, e.g. to pirouette with her in a waltz. 1842, 1846, 1847
Carter, Mr. 'The Lion King'. 1846
Catlin, Mr. Brought over a group of Red Indians, 1841
Chalons, Mons. Magician (in Rotunda). 'Philosophical and recreative amusements', 1821
Chapino's Troupe 1858
Chanteurs Montagnards 40 singers from the Pyrenean village of Bagnères de Bigorre, July 1839
Chiarini Family Tight Rope, Pas de Coco. 1845
Ching Lau Lauro The popular Buffo. Postures, equilibriums, evolutions, attitudes. 1827, 1828, 1834
Cirque Imperial de France Directed by Messrs. Rimbert and Lambert included Mlle Virginie, Mons. Rimbert, Mr. van Catendick (comedian), Mme Marietta (equestrienne), Mr. Kinnebel (equestrian), Mr. Leopold, Anais Rimbert, Emile Lambert. 1856, 1858
Clark, Master John The Globe Roulant with Juggling Feats. 1849
Clarke, Miss The astonishing English Rope Dancer, c.1821
Cooke, M. Of the Royal Amphitheatre, Liverpool, he had an 'unrivalled stud of horses, and celebrated troop of equestrians', in 1827. Performers included Mr. Dupont [q.v.], who drove 12 horses at once, Master Mackintosh, and a Grand Turkish Procession and Entree with twenty horses. 1828. Assisted Farley with Waterloo re-presentations.
Coton/Cotan, Mr. William Fireworks. 1852, 1853 —display from a tower 150 ft. high
Coton, Mrs. and assistants, fireworks. 1854, 1855, 1858. Mrs. Coton was killed in an explosion at her factory in Westminster Bridge Road on 10 July 1858
Cottrell, Mr. Equestrian and strongman, 1842.
Coulon, Mons. He and his eight year old son give fencing demonstrations in 1829
Coxwell, Henry Balloonist. July 7, 1847, ascended with 60lb. of fireworks suspended below. A storm broke when he was at 4,000 ft., and tore the balloon, but he and his passenger escaped.
Cuzent, Pauline Equestrienne with Mme. Lejars, 1847.
?Dancers 'Morrice Dances', 1821
Darby, Mr. H.W. Of 98 Regent Street, Lambeth. fireworks, (1841 at Brunswick Gardens) 1842 (Firework Gala, 29 Aug, 46 separate items. Minet VI, f.31), 1843–51, 1855
Davis, Mr. E. 'The Celebrated Euphonist', giving imitations of famous actors in typical roles —Charles Keane as Richard III, Macready as Macbeth &c. 1848
Day, Mr. Living Statues from the antique. 1848
Deani, Herr

As a 'sprite', 1854. With Signor Perrille(?) in the Ring, 1856

D'Ernst Fireworks 1823; Full programme given in Vauxhall Observer, Weds 11 June 1823, p.3, Minet fiche 2. His first employment at VG on 26 May 1823. 1824, 1825 (Fri's), 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1835, 1837, 1838 (sole director. At the Grand Naval Fete on 8 August, he produced 'a Moving Ship in Full Sail, in Fire Works'), 1839, (ditto) 1841 (ditto). D'Ernst was killed in explosion at his Lambeth factory, 28 Feb, 1842
Ducour, Mons. Tours de force. 1835
Ducrow's Circus Horsemanship 1823, 1839 The Curriculum, or, Olympic Games, with chariot races, boys on small ponies, lady jockies, wild horses etc. 50 horses and 12 'fairy ponies'. Roman Racing and Thessalian Sports; Morning Courses of Andalusian Barbs, Contest of the French Courier and British Post Boy. Ducrow paid half the admission money. Shown in the afternoon —1.30–5pm. Not well attended. 1841: The Russian Courier and his Troop of Post Horses, by Signor Hillier. Also Le Petit Ducrow and Master Adams. On 2 August, The Amazons, with twelve highly trained palfreys, mounted by six ladies and six warriors. Mr. Hicken, Felix Carlo (dwarf), Messrs. Bullock, Frazier and Cottrell ('The Grotesques'). 1842 —'The late Ducrow's Troop'—Hillier, Hicken, Stickney, Needham (Riding Master), Adams, Lapette Ducrow, Widdicomb [see Staff list] (Riding Master), Twist, Madame Caroline, Madame Suzanne—A Mock Spanish Bull Fight (with a specially trained horse dressed up as the bull!). The 'Diminutive Steed FIREFLY, in a Characteristic Scene, as the Black Pony Chingring Merrybell.' Mr. Fuller the grotesque does 'drolleries'. Mr. Hicken performed The Triumph of Fame, or, Life's Sports and Characters, delineating Tar of All Weathers, Paul Pry, Bavarian Broom Girl, Vanderdecken the Flying Dutchman, and Fame Bearing the Circlet of Victory -Glory! 1846
Duée, Julie 'L'Aerienne française'. ascent on the inclined rope in th Italian walk, surrounded by 'trophies' and fireworks, 1842 (first performance)
Dupont, Mr. Horsemanship, with Mr. Evans and the Highland Youth; also Kemp, 1827, 1828
Duvalli, Signor Tight rope. 1858
Elliott, Messrs H. & T. Champion Vaulters, with Mr. Guest, the clown. 1847
Emidy, Mr. J.H. Riding master. 1858
Evans's Polanders 1827
Farley, Mr. (of CG) Directed the re-enactments of the Battle of Waterloo. 1827
Feitlinger, Herr B. von Celebrated Tyrolean vocalist. 1852
Foucault, Mons. Fire and water sports 1851
Les Frères Francisco 1852
Franklin, Hiram 'The American Marvel' on the Corde Volante. 1852
Gale, Mr. George Burcher (b.1794) 1847, night aeronaut [Illus of his firework balloon over the Thames, Minet VI, f.79, 4 Sept, ILN. Portrait of GBG, Minet VI, f.100] Large Poster in Minet vol. of a night ascent with fireworks, August 26, 1847. Killed in a ballooning accident in France, 1850. .
Gardoni, Mlle. Tightrope. 1850
Gauthier, M. Charles From the Cirque National de Bruxelles, with the French Artists, Equestrians, with Madame Gauthier, M. Signa, clown, Madame Signa, La Patite Clara, clowns: Mr. W.F. Wallet ('The Original Shakesperian Jester!') and Mosely (Large Poster in Minet vol. with illus's, with Delavanti, possibly not Vauxhall. 1848
Gelini, Mons. Wonderful performance on the horizontal ladder. 1858
Gibbon, Mr. Comedian. 1827
Gillot/Gillet, Mons. Louisot The Great Equestrian of the Cirque du Champs Elysees. 1847
Graham, Mrs. Balloons. 31 May 1830, did her 65th. ascent. 1850 [Illus, Minet III, f.221, July 26, 1850, Litho, by H. Green The First Ascent at Night ever attempted by a Female], 1851—Female Aeronaut to Her Majesty
Green, Mr. Charles Balloonist. 1824, 1826, 1830, 1831—the Green family, comprised Mr. & Mrs. Charles Green, and Mr. & Mrs. W. Green (brother). Mr. James Green. 1834-38, 1839, 184–149 ('The Veteran Admiral Green'). 1850 'An Extraordinary Ascent on Horseback', 31 July [illus, Minet III, f.224, Litho by H. Green] in which the horse is strung under the balloon, without the basket. Made his 446th. ascent on 16 August, 1850. 1851, 1854 (ascent in the Great Nassau Balloon, Monday 3 July, with a lottery for six seats in the car)
Grey, Mr. Fantoccini. 1823, 1824, 1825, 1828, 1829
Griffiths, Mr. And his little son; grotesque performances. 1849
Gulpen, Mr. Francois von The Tyrolean vocalist, in native costume. 1851
Gyngell, Mr. Ombres Chinoises, tight-rope dancing by mechanical figures, slack-wire dancing by young Gyngell, balancing, and gymnastic exercises. Played the Musical Glasses. Gyngell's Theatre of Arts, 1821. In 1834, a Mr. L. Gyngell 'from the Royal Gardens, Vauxhall', was giving a fireworks display in Hull Market Place. He lived at St. Stephen's Square, Norwich
Gypson, Mr. Balloonist. 1847
Hemming, Professor And his infant son. 1848
Hemmings, Mr: 1854
Henderson, Mr. Clown. 1848, 1850
Hengler, Signor Fireworks. Probably Michael Hengler (d. 1802) and then his son Henry Michael,the family went on to found Hengler's Circus in the 1850s. 1798, 1801, 1803, 1815
Hengler, Mme. Sarah (c. 1765–1845) Wife of Michael Hengler. Fireworks, and illuminations 1803, 1804, 1807, 1811, 1814, 1818, 1819, 1820, 1821, 1823 (Wed's), 1825 (Wed's). For family information on the Henglers contact their descendant Mr David Stabb
Hernandez, 'Young' James Young James Hernandez and the two Auriols. Equestrianism 1823. 1830, joined by Mme. Lejars, Mlle. Pauline Cuzent, Mlle. Palmyra Annato. Hernadez and the Auriols Appeared separately in 1849, Lejars and Cuzent in 1851 A second 'Hernandez', real name Mickey Kelly, an American horseman, was born in 1832
Hillier, Mr & Mrs. With Ducrow's circus but independent equestrains in 1842.
Hilton, Mr. A ventriloquist in1858
Hinne, Mlle. From Paris, equestrianism. 1823, 1849
Huber, Mon. 'The Incomparable Equilibrist'. 'The Extraordinary Ladder Dance', 1846
Hughes, Mr. Henry 'Hydraulic exhibition of Neptune presenting his crown and trident to Britannia'. Britannia, in Neptune's car, is surrounded by ships of different nations with their flags, many jets d'eau, coloured lights. 1828. See also Henry Hughes under Proprietors and staff.
Hullin, Mons. J.B. From the Opera House, in charge of the juvenile ballet company, 1823–1829
Hutchinson, The Brothers 'Olympian Exercises, Wonderful Leaping, and Daring Feats as The Rival Greeks'. 1852
Italian Brothers Equestrians. 1854
Jameson Family Drawing Room Entertainment. 1858
Japanese Escamoteurs With their curious 'Tours à Deux'. 1838
Javelli/Javelei The first tight rope dancer in the world. 1836. Performed with Mlle. Ravel. Rope Double Ascent 110 ft. high. 1841
Joel, Herr [von] 'The Altonian Siffleur', Birdsong imitations 1831, 1832 (by when he was apparently ubiquitous, and a bit of a bore), 1833, not there in 1834 (he 'no more blows out his garlicked breath into the faces of his visitors'). back in 1841, 1842
Joel il Diavolo Tight rope 1845, 1846 (descends from the Monster Dragon Tower, 120 ft. high, as 'Victory' on a fiery dragon), 1847
Juba Tap dancer. 1848 (1st. night August 21), with Mr. G.W. Pell and the Ethiopian Serenaders - Mr. T.F. Briggs, Mr. J.H. Everton, Mr. J.W. Valentine, and Mr. M.C. Ludlow.
Keller, Professor Of Berlin. Tableaux Vivants in the Rotunda Theatre: The Parting of Hercules and Andromache; The Gladiator; the Rape of the Sabines; Romulus and Tacitus by David; Proserpine by Girardon; The Listeners by Rubens; The Workshop of Canova etc. 1845
Kist, Professor Gymnast. 1847
Klatt, Herr Equestrian. 1854
Lamotte, Madame Feats on the Flying Wire. 1835
Lancashire Bell Ringers 12 ringers in 1841
Latour, Mons. With M. de la Vigne, and their sons, 1837
Lauri Family Calisthenics. 1849
Lee, Miss 'The Sylph', in equestrian exercises, 1841. Lavater Lee and J Lee in 1848. A Mr. and Mrs. T. Lee are recorded as equestrians in 1851
Lehman, Christian The celebrated Russian tight rope walker, in the Rotunda. 1824
Lejars, Mme. Horsemanship, with Mlle. Pauline Cuzent. 1847, 1851. Monsieur Lejars is recorded as an euquestrian in 1847
Leopold, Mons. Extraordinary performance in front of the Fairy Lake and Basaltic cavern. 1856
Littleton, Mr. High wire act in 1826
Loisset, Master Ball-walking [Illus, Minet VI, f.71], 1847. Later, Les Frères Loisset
Longuemare jr., Jean Baptiste Tightrope. 1822, 1823
Longuemare senr. and Longuemare's 'wonderful family', 1822
Macarte, Mme. Marie, (born in Paris in 1826) Ecuyère , had been hugely popular in US. Did an act of classic postures, from the drawings of Le Brun's Passions - Love, Joy, Pride, Prayer, Entreaty, Anger, Rage, Jealousy, Fury and Madness. 1848
Mahomet Ben Said 'The Great Arab Vaulter'. 1853
Mario, Signor 1823
Mathevet & Chigan Grecian Gymnastics, living statues. 1832
Matthews, Tom The Clown with Tippity Wicket and The Life of a clown 1823, 1844 (assisted by Mr. M. Ellar —Harlequin, Mr. Gardner—Pantaloon, Miss Williams—Columbine) . 1847
Mohammed ben al Hagghe 'The greatest Vaulter in the World'. 1848, 1849
Monfroid, Mons. & Mme. Parisian Equestrians. 1847
Moreton, Mr. Equestrianism. 1854
Morris, Mr. Of the Theatre Royal, DL. 'Hydraulics' 1822; Hydraulic exhibition, 1823, 1824, 1825
Mortram, Mr. Henry Son of Zachariah jr and Grandson of Vincento de Mortram was active the last few days of the 1849 season (20–31 August). In 1852 was, 'firing at Cremorne, with great success' Minet VI, f.115.
Mortram, Sig. Vincento de (c. 1762-died 1838 aged 76)

Fireworks, 1804, 1811, 1812, 1814, 1820, 1822, 1823 (Fridays), 1828. Real name Zachariah Mortram.

Mortram, Zachariah jr (died 1833) Fireworks. Died in York Street, Southwark
Native of Agra Exhibiting the miltary exercises of the Sikhs, and other nations of India.
Nelson, Mr. Arthur The 'Demon' Rock-Harmonicon player performed in the Circus 1823. 1850—The American harmonist on the Pine Sticks and the Niagara Stones. 1854
Newsome, Pauline Equestrian, from the Cirque Nationale, Paris. with Mr. James Newsome, Mademoiselle Zamesou, and Senor Jose Marie Morant. Also Herr Carne, Russelli, Little Ella, Young Leon. 1853
Nestarsi de Verani, Signor F.H.P. One-man band. 1825
Nichols, Mr. Trampoline Clown. 1846
Oriel, Mr. Clown. 1858
Parelli, Mons. Acrobat on the horizontal pole in 1854.
Parish, Master Slack rope. 1849
Pell, G. W. Pell's Ethiopian Serenaders - Pell, Harrington, White, Stanwood and Germon - 'created during their stay in London more excitement, and aroused more interest in the public mind, than anything we recollect for many years past. They sustained their characters admirably well, and gave very correct and striking delineations of negro manners and feelings. after a most successful number of performances, they at length gace their 'Farewell Benefit' on 3rd of July, 1847. The above song ['Goodbye, Darkies!'] was written on the ocacasion of their taking leave, for the purpose of perpetuating their fame.' [Sharp's Vauxhall Comic Songbook, firts series, 1847, page 214]. 1847, 1848
Populaire, Francisque 1851
Powell 1854
Passwan Oglou Indian Feats, in the Ballet Theatre. 1841
Ravel Family (Gabriel, Antoine, Gerome, Francois. Mademoiselle d'Autreville, and Ferin) Acrobats 1823, 1836: Comic Ballets. 1841 (first appearance these six years): Vol au Vent, a pantomime, in the Rotunda Theatre. 1836 (when Gabriel played the main character, as well as doing the 'wonderful Stilt Dance, in the character of Polichinello'), 1846
Rensini, Messrs. Double Juggling - Feats of Les Jets d'Eau, Defense Africaine, Jeu d'Assiettes &c. 1836 (Juvenile Fête)
Ricardo, Signor 'The Great Transformation Equilibrist and unrivalled Globe Evolutionist'. 1848
Rimbert, Mlle. Horsemanship, with Emilie Lambert, Madam Marietta, Mons. Kenebel, Mons. Rimbert, clown, Van Cattendick. 1856
Rivolta, Signor One-man-band. Same family name as the Pandean Band leader. 1815
Robert, Jean 'The astonishing French Juggler', 1823. 1824 [desc'n of act, Minet V, f.147], 1825. 'The Wonderful Feats of the French Juggler' in 1939.
Robinson, Mr. James (1838–1917) 'The great American bare-back rider'. 1858
Rochez, Mons. 'The celebrated Parisian Mime'. Bottle equilibrist, and clown,1847. Clown to the Ring, 1850
Rochez, 'Young' 'The Youth without Bones'. 1852
Rossini, Signora 300 ft. 'nerveless' Rope ascent to the top of the Balloon Tower, amidst the Fireworks, 1841. 'A Fearful ascent on the tight rope from the Firework Gallery to the top of the Temple of Honan, amidst a discharge of Rockets, Roman Candles, Maroons, Tourbillions, Shells, and Brilliant Stars', 1845
Rousseau, Mlle. Fanny Equitation. 1850
Ruggieri, Mons. Fireworks: his Coronation Fireworks include the Uranography, the Grand Ship, The beautiful Mosaic Piece, Revolving Temple, Grand Cascades, Beautiful Bouquet. 1825
du Ruse and Merveille, Messrs. 'les Gladiateurs de Lyons'. Gladiators' Combat, 1837, 1838
Russelli, Brothers Equestrians. 1853, 1854 (3 July—'and their Extraordinary Boy on "La Perche"').
Russian Horn Band 1832 [Scharf]
Ryland 1854
Sable Harmonists 1852
Saffarino, Croueste and Felix Clowns. Harry Croueste led the Great Equestrian Troupe for the last night in 1859. Edwin Croueste (Crowhurst) joined Harry Croueste's circus at VG in 1858. 1858, 1859
Samee, Ramo (d.Aug 1850) 'The Wonderful Indian Juggler' 1821, 1822. Ramo Samee was performing with balls, pyramids and pagodas, 1828, 1841. Ramo's son died from internal wounds after a sword-swallowing act, aged 23
Saque, Mme. Ascent a-la-Saqui. 1858
Saqui, Madame (Real name Marguerite Antoinette Lalanne, 1786-1866). Tightrope, with her husband and daughter, Adèle Saqui (aged about 4). 1816 (1st), 1817, 1818: Pas-deux en Allemande on the double-rope. 1819, 1820, 1821
Saqui, Mons. Foucault Hydraulic Engineer to the ex-Court of Versailles. Fire and Water Sports. 1851
Schreyer, Herr Troupe of dogs and monkeys. Five nights in July 1839, Rotunda
Seymoure, Mr. W. Magician. 1849
Sharp, Mr. 'The wonderful ventriloquist'—An Infant, The Farm Yard and Carpenter's Instruments. 1838
Smith Mr. J Riding master with Mr. G Thompson 1858
Smith's Troop Rotunda horsemanship. Madam Valentine, Emma St. Clare, Mrs. Stone. 1854
Southby, Chevalier (J.) Of Sussex Cottage, Ossory Road, Old Kent Road. Manufactory, rear of Sussex Place, near the 'Lord Wellington'. Fireworks 1822 ('every evening'). 1823 (Mon's). Evening, 18 June 1823, in Vauxhall Observer 14, 18 June 1823. Full programme for Waterloo anniversary, 1824, 1825 (Mon's), 1826 (alternating with D'Ernst), 1827, 1828, 1829, 1831, 1832, 1833. 1835, 1837
Spelterini, Signor 'The wonderful Italian Hercules', 1827. Balancing. 1828, supporting a beam of immense weight on his chin
Steward, Mr. Acrobat working with Twist, 1842
Stickney, Mr. With Ducrow's Circus. Academic Poses, on two horses, with the Young Olympian, 1841,1842, 1850
Stokes's American Wonders Little "Ella" and Young "Leon" ?Equestrians. 1853
Stone, Mrs. Eaton 1854
Swiss Brothers 1837
Tambrevini, Signor 1823
Thatcher, Mr. Clown. 1858
Thompson Marble Groupings, living sculpture on the Ballet Stage. 1850: The Seasons, and The Death of Nelson after the staue at the Royal Exchange, Liverpool
Thompson, G. Riding Master with Mr.J Smith in 1858
Tourniaire Family Equestrian Troupe, 1846. Benoit, Francois, and Louise Tourniaire (Pas de Schwal), Ferdinand; Mons. Agussi (Polichinel Vampyr), Mr. Nicholls (Trampoline Clown), and Madame Klatt (the unrivalled Amazon). Mademoiselle Marie. Messrs. Benedick & Theodore (The Two Spartan Heroes); Mons. Huber (Voltigeur). 1850. In 1851, Benoit Tourniaire was riding master at the gardens.
Tucker, Edwin 'The exhibition man' to the pyrotechnicians Darby, Mortram and Mme Coton
Twist, Mr. The Antipodean Professor, a gymnast in 1842
Tyrolese Singers ' who have appeared before her Majesty'. Singing national songs, 1854.
Valentine, Mlle. 'The daring and fascinating Ecuyere' (horsewoman). 1847
Van Amburgh, Isaac (1800–1868) Lion Tamer—'The celebrated Lion King'. Minet III, f.156 woodcut of van Amburgh relaxing among his lions. Van Amburgh worked with the Titus Menagerie, Boston, in the 1830s and '40s. He over-wintered his lions at Vauxhall Gardens in 1842-3. 1823, 1841, 1848 (1st. Night Aug. 28)
Victorine, Mlle. Slack wire. 1828
Wallett, Mr. The popular clown, co-director, with Mosely 'the Great American Rider' of the English Equestrians, with Lavater Lee, Henderson, and T. Lee, the 'renowned voltigeurs'. 1848
Ward, Master Tightrope. 1828
Watson, Master Frederic Horsemanship. 1858
Williams, Mr. Trampoline tricks. 1827
Wilson, Mr. Evolutions on the tight rope. 1821, 1825, 1826
Winter Rope Dancer. 1841
Yates, Mr. Frederick Of CG. Performed his 'Reminiscences' at the Adelphi Theatre on 30 Jan 1834 including a sketch on Vauxhall. Impressionist. 1822
Zamesou, Signor & Mlle. 1851, 1854 Mlle. Zamesou had been at VG for some years, and returned with the Cirque Imperial. Mons. Zamesou re-appears in 1858
The Mysterious Zadoc Fortune teller in his Eastern Temple. 1849

The BedouinArabs




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