Somerset Record Office
DD/CH 123/6 Deed of Appointment
George Dodington of Horsington to Jonathan Tyers
This Indenture made the fifteenth day of ffebruary in the twenty fifth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain ffrance and Ireland King Defender of the faith and so forth and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty two Between George Dodington of Horseington in the County of Somersett Esquire of the one Part and Jonathan Tyers of Vaux Hall in the Parish of Lambeth in the County of Surry Esquire of the other Part Whereas the said George Dodington being seized to him and his Heirs at the will of the Lord according to the Custom of the Manor of Kennington in the County of Surry aforesaid of All that one undivided full fourth part of one Moiety or half part of All that Messuage or Tenement scituate lying and being at or near Vaux Hall aforesaid and commonly called or known by the name of the Spring Garden House and of all those several Messuages or Tenements and twenty four acres of Land be the same more or less Garden Grounds Meadow and Pasture near adjoining to the said Messuage or Tenement and heretofore in the several Tenures or Occupations of Christopher Hoare James Dumford Edward Evans John Medley John Spencer Ann Hill Widow Peter Anderson Elizabeth ffortee Widow Margaret Blisse otherwise Lady Matthews and Mary Burdekin and now or late in the several Tenures or Occupations of the said Jonathan Tyers Thomas Taylor William Jarvis Hannah Burroughs Widow John Wisley Samuel Watts Mary Branch ffrancis Bird the Widow Reaves John Birch Peter Anderson Edward Thuston Thomas Smalley Joseph Lucas Catherine Phipps widow John fflemming Jeffery Crews Joseph Thrift John Hull William Chillwell Humphery Gold Austen Hill and the said Mary Bird their Assignes or undertenants and now or late in the several Tenures or Occupations of the said Jonathan Tyers Joseph Wilson Robert Smith Jonathan Chillwell Richard Pyke William Hill Charles Goddard Widow Hull and Richard Searle and of all Houses Outhouses Edifices Buildings Barns Stables Gardens Orchards Hedges Ditches ffences Commons Pastures Ways Passages Waters Watercourses Easements Profits Commodities and Appurtenances whatsoever to the said several Messuages Lands Tenements Hereditaments and other the Premisses aforesaid belonging or in any wise appertaining all which said Premisses are scituate lying and being in the Parish of Lambeth aforesaid and within the same Manor And the said George Dodington being in like manner seized of two other undivided full fourth Parts of the same Moiety and also of one other undivided full fourth part of the same Moiety of all and singular the hereabove mentioned several Premisses the said several Parts amounting in the whole to one full Moiety or half Part of the said Premisses with their respective Appurtenances at a Court Baron holden in and for the same Manor upon the eighth Day of April which was in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty nine did in his own proper person and in full Court surrender by the Rod into the hands of the Lord of the same Manor by the acceptance of Thomas Harris Gentleman Deputy Steward thereof all that the said hereabove first mentioned one undivided full fourth part of the abovesaid Moiety and also the hereabove mentioned two other undivided full fourth parts of the same Moiety And also the hereabove last mentioned one undivided other full fourth part of the same Moiety in the whole one full Moiety or half Part of the said Premisses with their respective Appurtenances To the use of such Person or Persons and for such Estate or Estates and to and for such uses intents and purposes as he the said George Dodington by any writing or writings Deed or Deeds under the hand and Seal of the said George Dodington and duly executed and attested should nominate limit declare and appoint as in and by the Court Books of the Manor aforesaid at a Court Baron holden in and for the same upon the said eighth day of April in the said year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty nine relation being thereunto had if doth and may more fully appear And whereas no Nomination Limitation Declaration or Appointment hath been made by the said George Dodington of or concerning the aforesaid several parts or any or either of them or of any part of them or of any or either of them And whereas the said Jonathan Tyers hath contracted and agreed with the said George Dodington for the purchase of the absolute Copyhold Inheritance in fee simple of him the said George Dodington of or in the aforesaid several parts of the said Premisses with their respective Appurtenances amounting in the whole to one full Moiety or half part thereof for the sume of three thousand eight hundred pounds of lawfull money of Great Britain Now this Indenture witnesseth the said agreement and that in Pursuance thereof and for and in consideration of the said sume of three thousand eight hundred pounds of lawfull Money of Great Britain at or before the Sealing and Delivery of these Presents in hand well and truly paid by the said Jonathan Tyers the Payment and Receipt of which said sume of three thousand eight hundred pounds he the said George Dodington doth hereby acknowledge and thereof and of and from every part & parcel thereof doth fully acquit release and discharge the said Jonathan Tyers his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assignes and every of them forever by these presents which said Sume of three thousand eight hundred Pounds is in full payment for the aforesaid absolute Purchase and of all Moneys contracted and agreed to be paid for the same he the said George Dodington in Pursuance of the hereinbefore mentioned Surrender hath nominated Limitted declared and appointed and by these Presents being a Writing or Deed under his hand and Seal and duly executed and attested doth nominate limitt declare and appoint that the hereinbefore mentioned several parts of the said Copyhold Premisses with their respective Appurtenances so surrendered by the said George Dodington as aforesaid and each and every of them and every part of them and of each and every of them amounting in the whole to one full Moiety or half Part of the said Premisses with their respective Appurtenances shall from henceforth remain and be and stand and be limitted and vest and that the aforesaid Surrender thereof shall from henceforth operate and take Effect to and for the only use and behoof of the said Jonathan Tyers and of his heirs and Assignes for ever and to or for the use of no other Person or Persons nor for any other Estate or Estates and to or for no other uses Intents or Purposes whatsoever And the said George Dodington for himself his heirs Executors and Administrators and for every of them doth Covenant Promise Grant and agree to and with the said Jonathan Tyers his heirs and Assignes and to and with every of them by these Presents in manner and form following (that is to say that the said George Dodington at the instant time of the Sealing and Delivery of these Presents hath in himself solely good right full power lawfull and absolute authority in his own right to nominate limit declare and appoint all and singular the hereinbefore mentioned several Parts of the said Premisses with their respective Appurtenances and every of them and every part of them and of every of them amounting in the whole to one full Moiety or half part of the same Premisses with their respective Appurtenances To the use of the said Jonathan Tyers and of his heirs and Assignes for ever according to the tenor and true intent and meaning of these Presents and that all and every the said Several Copyhold Parts of all and singular the said Premisses with their and every of their Appurtenances amounting in the whole to one full Moiety or half Part thereof shall and lawfully may from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter remain continue and be to and to the use of the said Jonathan Tyers and of his Heirs and Assignes for ever and be peaceably and quietly held and enjoyed by him or them without the lett suite trouble Interruption Denyal Charge Claim or Eviction of by or from him the said George Dodington his Heirs or Assignes or of by or from any other Person or Person whatsoever lawfully claiming or to Claim any Estate Right Title Trust or Interest in unto or out of the said several Copyhold Parts or any or either of them or any Part of them or of any or either of them by from or under him the said George Dodington his heirs or Assignes or any of them or any of his Ancestors Except nevertheless the Quit Rent Services and Customs therefore due and of Right accustomed to or for the Benefit of the Lord of the aforesaid Manor of Kennington And lastly that he the said George Dodington or his heirs and all and every other necessary Partys and Party shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter upon the request But at the proper Costs and Charges of the said Jonathan Tyers his Heirs or Assignes make do suffer or execute or cause and procure to be made done suffered or executed all and every such further and other lawfull and reasonable Acts and Act Things and Thing Devices or Device Conveyances or Conveyance Assurances or Assurance in the Law whatsoever for the further better and more perfect Assuring all and singular the said several hereinbefore mentioned several Copyhold Parts with their respective Appurtenances amounting in the whole to one full Moiety or half part thereof to or To the use of the said Jonathan Tyers and of his Heirs and Assignes for ever as by him or them or his or their Councel learned in the Law shall be reasonably devised advised or required In Witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto set their Hands and Seals the Day and Year first above written
Geo: Dodington
[Not signed by J. Tyers]